MCMC: coming out of the COVID surge

by Sharon NiedermanRATON — “We’re coming out of the COVID surge,” Chief Medical Officer Dr. Loretta Conder announced to the Miners Colfax Medical Center at the March 15 board meeting.  “With fewer people in the ER, we’re switching back to outpatient services, catching up on stress tests, pulmonary function and sleep studies,” she said. Dr. Donald

Despite technological advancements, COVID-19 made a bigger impact on Las Animas County than the 1918 Influenza Pandemic

by Todd BrogowskiLAS ANIMAS — The year was 1918.  US military involvement in conflicts overseas overshadowed news of the disease burning through civilian and military populations alike.  Eight months passed from the start of the pandemic to its first mention in Trinidad newspapers.  Instead, headlines focused on a joint US naval victory over the Austro-Hungarian